Head First WordPress by Jeff Siarto
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This book is short and very high-level, dedicating only 1 or 2 pages to most topics. It's best for beginners or intermediate WordPress users. It covers styling a theme, managing users, managing categories and tags, embedding video, podcasting, security, and performance. I liked the security tips and the plugin recommendations. Much of the book can be applied to web design in general, and isn't specific to WordPress.
The book was published in 2010 and teaches WordPress 3.0. It shows how to edit some HTML and CSS, but if you’re going to follow along, you'll need to already be familiar with those or skip those parts. I had high hopes for this book after being impressed by the depth of Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML, but this book skims lightly across several topics without much detail. I recommend WordPress for Dummies instead.
Use the menu, submenu, current-menu-item, and menu-item-object-page classes to style your menu with CSS.
Use just a few, broad categories relevant to your audience; think big picture. Tags should be specific terms describing your post’s content; think little details.
<?php remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator'); ?>
to your theme's function.php file. See the WordPress Codex article Hardening WordPress for more details.