Review: HTML5 For Web Designers by Jeremy Keith

HTML5 For Web Designers by Jeremy Keith

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I found this very short HTML5 primer too shallow. It barely scratches the surface of HTML5, but I suppose that was the intent. I enjoyed the fact that it describes the creation of HTML5 in more detail than other HTML5 books I've read. Keith's writing style is entertaining, and I laughed out loud a few times. Overall, I preferred Introducing HTML5 and Teach Yourself Visually HTML5.

HTML5 Design Principles

  • "Support existing content" and "Do not reinvent the wheel": be backwards compatible with previous versions of HTML.
  • "Pave the cowpaths": in creating HTML5, WHATWG looked for widespread ways web designers accomplished tasks and codified them.

HTML Elements

  • The datalist element is a combination of input and select. You can associate a list of options with an input field. Users can select an option from the list or type a value.
  • An input with a type of search behaves the same as an input with a type of text, but browsers might display a search input differently.
  • The article element is designed for syndication. Use it for self-contained related content. Ask yourself if you would syndicate the content in a feed. It’s useful for blog posts, news stories, comments, reviews, forum posts, self-contained widgets.
  • In an hgroup element, only the first heading contributes to the outline.
  • The HTML5 spec advises starting afresh from h1 within each piece of sectioning content.
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