The Elements of Content Strategy by Erin Kissane
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This short book is a good overview of content strategy. It presents the concepts and includes many references for deeper reading. I’m a web designer who creates websites for small businesses, and those sites are too small to warrant a sophisticated content strategy, but this book was still worth reading for the fundamentals such as making content useful, concise, and supported.
I liked the quote from Kristina Halvorson in Content Strategy for the Web:
", you don't have a captive audience. You have a multi-tasking, distracted, ready-to-leave-your-site-at-any-time audience who has very specific goals in mind. If your content doesn't meet those goals, and quickly, they will leave."
I liked Kissane's advice to "Act as user advocates...reduce distractions in sidebars, fight ads that obstruct content, and give readers the equivalent of good light and a quiet room." He also makes a good point that content strategists must turn soft, aspirational goals into specific, measurable success criteria.
"Define a clear, specific purpose for each piece of content; evaluate content against this purpose."