Teach Yourself Visually HTML5 by Mike Wooldridge

Teach Yourself Visually HTML5 by Mike Wooldridge

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book steps through the new features of HTML5, including many new elements for more semantic markup, better forms, audio and video, and canvas. There's also a section on using JavaScript with HTML5. The text is augmented by code snippets and screenshots. The book does a decent job with the how, but it doesn't spend much time on the why; I wish it included more best practices and tips.

HTML5 elements

  • Use the <meter> element to display a value within a range.
  • To make multiple links on a page open in the same tab/window, use the same target value for the links.
  • To make a text area read-only, add the readonly attribute within the <textarea> tag.
  • Create date and time inputs with <input type="?">, where the value is "month", "week", "date", or "time".
  • Prevent a text box from autocompleting with autocomplete="off".
  • Create a range slider with <input type="range">.
  • To make a field required, add the required attribute to the <input> tag.
  • To add a placeholder to a field, add the placeholder="?" attribute to the <input> tag, where the value is the placeholder text.

Media converters

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2 comments on “Teach Yourself Visually HTML5 by Mike Wooldridge”

  1. I bought the book, Visually Teach Yourself HTML5, ; however, I haven't been able to use only three of the M an B Adventure Travel images while creating web pages with it. How can I download the rest of the images so that I can use them.

    Please advise, Thank you.

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