Responsive, mobile-friendly sites are the difference between reaching mobile users and losing conversions.
Responsive, mobile-friendly sites are the difference between reaching mobile users and losing conversions.
5 of the most debilitating, outdated SEO practices and why you should avoid them to improve your search engine optimization.
Google wants your website to have SSL for search engine rankings and Chrome security warnings. Here's why you should comply.
If you want your IT company's website to bring in traffic, generate leads, and make sales, you have to incorporate SEO (search engine optimization).
Learn how to create redirects in WordPress using the Redirection plugin. Learn about simple and regular expression (RegEx) redirects.
Why should a business care about SEO (search engine optimization)? SEO has many business benefits. I gave this presentation to a group of business owners and entrepreneurs, showing them how SEO can grow their businesses. For this webinar, I partnered with Jon LoDuca of The Wisdom Link, an Intellectual Capital Development Firm. Below are the video, […]
In Information Technology, the Principle of Least Privilege means that people should have only the level of access and capability that they truly need. When people can access more info than they need, or have abilities that they don't need, there's a greater potential that they'll cause damage (accidentally or deliberately). Also, never underestimate the […]
Imagine you have a fancy new website with striking design, spot-on SEO and all the bells and whistles. Now what? Your gut is telling you to leave the site alone … it’s working perfectly, right? Wrong! Not doing anything to your site after it launches is one of the biggest mistakes a website owner can […]
When we talk to clients about SEO, they quickly ask, "Where will we rank?" and "How soon will we rank there?" and "What guarantee can you give me?" I've found that analogies work well in explaining technical topics to non-technical clients, so I decided to start comparing SEO to the stock market, and the SEO specialist to an investment advisor. SEO […]
When you add a website to Google Search Console (GSC) (formerly Google Webmaster Tools, GWT), you get an email with subject "Improve the search presence of [URL]", where URL is the URL of the site you just added. I included a screenshot of the email below. This email includes 6 steps to setting up your site in […]
Businesses often make incorrect assumptions about their websites that hurt their online success, and in turn, hurt their business. I'm reading the book Duct Tape Marketing (an excellent marketing guide for small businesses), and it has a list of common assumptions that I recognize from my conversations with businesses. Let's look at these assumptions and why they're […]
Google wants your website to be mobile-friendly. How do I know? They've been making a big deal about it, especially over the last year. Evidence: PageSpeed Insights has a Mobile tab which reports on Speed and User Experience Google Webmaster Tools has a Mobile Usability Report Google labels search results as "mobile-friendly" when you search from a mobile […]