6 Ways WordPress Maintenance Nurtures Your Business

Where's the glamour in installing updates, taking backups, blocking hackers, and making websites faster? The answer is, nowhere. WordPress maintenance isn’t sexy. But we’re content with that. We’re nerds, and we specialize in the unappealing tasks no one else thinks are cool.

You know people like us—the kids you grew up with who became Eagle Scouts, who crushed it in computer class, who joined the debate team. We’ve been happily doing conceivably uncool things for decades now. The Internet is our space to benefit the greater good and your business.

Let's take a closer look at how WordPress Maintenance makes your business—and the world—better.

1. WordPress Maintenance Makes the Web Safer.

Cyber theft is the Internet’s biggest threat. With a few keystrokes, hackers can pilfer our most precious personal information. How can you arm yourself against these skilled, well-informed cyber thieves? Let professionals keep your WordPress site maintained.

2. WordPress Maintenance Protects Your Investment.

You put a lot of money into building your website. Custom templates, professional photos, unique graphics, content marketing, social media—it adds up.

Now, what happens if your website breaks down without all that information being backed up? You’ll be paying to rebuild what you've already paid to build.

3. WordPress Maintenance Takes Care of Your Property.

Your website is a critical piece of property that your business owns. Just like maintenance makes a bricks-and-mortar storefront look good, WordPress maintenance keeps your site appearing clean and professional.

4. WordPress Maintenance Makes Your Business Succeed Online.

Google evaluates your website on its security and speed. Then it ranks you.

A low Google ranking means prospective customers don’t find your website. And they don’t buy your services or products.

Keep your website running fast and glitch-free, and customers will flock to your business.

5. WordPress Maintenance Improves User Experience.

Your customers have 100 things to do in the next hour. They’re making sales calls, sending reports to management, sprinting through the airport to catch their flight, eating an overloaded sub sandwich at their desk, rehearsing their next presentation to the board.

You get the picture. They’re busy.

Waiting for your website to load isn't high on their to-do list. Long loading times increase your bounce rate (the percentage of people who leave your site after viewing just one page).

Do you know what’s even lower on your customer’s to-do list than waiting? Worrying about your site’s security. If your website infects their computer or phone, or causes the loss of their personal information, kiss your good reputation goodbye.

6. WordPress Maintenance Optimizes Your Website.

Gearheads tinker with their cars. Tech geek mess with their computers and phones. Some people are just optimizers at heart. We are, too. With our WordPress Maintenance, we improve how your site works.

Your Website Deserves Protection and Performance. We Can Help.

Fundamentally our services boil down to one value proposition: we enable your company to operate more efficiently by securely and effectively managing its web presence.

We’ve done this through cutting-edge web design, well-crafted content, industry-leading SEO tactics, and website maintenance. Now, we’re shifting our focus to WordPress maintenance and expanding the plans we offer.

Why? With cyber threats increasing, DIY website care is less viable for our clients.

You wanted services beyond maintenance. You asked us to help you make changes to your website, so we added Small Changes. You asked us to answer your questions, so we added Tech Support. You’re serious about generating leads online and you asked for guidance on SEO (search engine optimization), so we added the SEO Audit. We listened to you, and crafted the plans to give you what you need.

To accommodate each business’ unique needs, we’ve created three different levels:

  1. The Bronze Plan is similar to our old plan, in that it includes Backups, Updates, and Security. As a bonus, it adds Uptime Monitoring.
  2. Based on client requests, the Silver Plan adds Tech Support and Small Changes to the features of the Bronze Plan.
  3. The Gold Plan includes all the Silver Plan features, plus Web Development, Speed Optimization, a monthly SEO Audit, and support for e-commerce sites.

Where to Begin: Educate Yourself About WordPress Maintenance

We’ve created a blog series for prospective clients, helping you understand the ins and outs of WordPress Maintenance. Start with the first article, Do You Really Need WordPress Maintenance?, which outlines the basic reasons your business’ website needs maintenance.

Once you have an understanding of the fundamental benefits of WordPress maintenance, then we suggest reading up on the nuances in The Real Reasons You Need WordPress Maintenance: Updates and Backups.

Your website needs more than protection. It needs monitoring and constant improvement. To learn more about how WordPress Maintenance optimizes your site, read Security, Speed, & Google Rank: The Next Phase of WordPress Maintenance.

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